Feedback about our website

Feedback on Flute Colors We’ve been working with a lot of joy on Flute Colors for the past several years. We hope we can make our products and website even better and we’d love it if you could help us. How can you help? Send us your feedback! If you would be so kind to […]
Listen to Hark! The Herald Angels Sing – The Flute Colors Way
Listen to Hark! The Herald Angels Sing The Flute Colors Way Sheet music for this song is available in: Flute Colors Magazine, november 2019 [siteorigin_widget class=”SiteOrigin_Widget_Button_Widget”][/siteorigin_widget]
Downloads intro
Sheet music with extended techniques for flute Here you can buy and download sheet music of arrangements with extended techniques for flute. Variations on well know flute exercises, traditional songs, but also modern pop songs. From Drouet and Bach to Justin Bieber and Bruno Mars. Have fun with extended techniques for flute! Check out Flute […]
Teaser below techniques
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