Flute Colors arrangements

Sheet music with extended techniques for flute

Here you can buy and download sheet music of arrangements with extended techniques for flute.

Variations on well know flute exercises, traditional songs, but also modern pop songs. From Drouet and Bach to Justin Bieber and Bruno Mars. Have fun with extended techniques for flute!

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 238 Blavet – Adagio from ‘La Lumagne’

Ornamentation is very important in Baroque music. At that time, color trills were already being used to enrich the music. It’s fun to experiment a bit with that concept. You can play this piece with piano or play the bass line on a bass flute.

Versieringen zijn erg belangrijk in barokmuziek. In die tijd werden er al kleurtrillers gebruikt om de muziek te verrijken. Het is leuk om een beetje met dat concept te experimenteren. Je kunt dit stuk met piano spelen of de baslijn op een basfluit spelen.