Flute Colors arrangements

Sheet music with extended techniques for flute

Here you can buy and download sheet music of arrangements with extended techniques for flute.

Variations on well know flute exercises, traditional songs, but also modern pop songs. From Drouet and Bach to Justin Bieber and Bruno Mars. Have fun with extended techniques for flute!

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Study guide






 280 Graupner – Gavotte

Singing and playing brings many benefits. It improves your coordination and is good for the sound. In this exercise, the goal is to sing and play in unison. You don’t necessarily have to sing in the same octave as you play. In this arrangement, the second part of the musical sentence should always be sung. Of course, you can vary it yourself.

Zingen en spelen brengt veel goeds. Het verbetert je coördinatie en is goed voor de klank. In deze oefening is het de bedoeling dat je unisono zingt en speelt. Met je stem hoef je niet per se in het octaaf te zingen waarin je speelt. Bij dit arrangement moeten de nazinnen steeds gezongen worden. Je mag natuurlijk zelf vaiëren.