Flute Colors arrangements

Sheet music with extended techniques for flute

Here you can buy and download sheet music of arrangements with extended techniques for flute.

Variations on well know flute exercises, traditional songs, but also modern pop songs. From Drouet and Bach to Justin Bieber and Bruno Mars. Have fun with extended techniques for flute!

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 316 Mozart – Bona Nox

Mozart would have been quite naughty at times. This is evident from his letters and sometimes also from his composition. The original lyrics from this round were made up by Mozart himself. In this arrangement we can get crazy with whistle tones. Just experiment and have fun, like Mozart did.

Mozart zou soms behoorlijk ondeugend zijn geweest. Dat blijkt uit zijn brieven en soms ook uit zijn compositie. De originele tekst van deze canon is door Mozart zelf verzonnen. In deze bewerking kunnen we losgaan met whistle tones. Gewoon experimenteren en lol maken, zoals Mozart deed.


 272 Mozart – Là ci darem la mano

“Là ci darem la mano” is an aria from Mozart’s Don Giovanni. “There we will hold hands.” A beautiful melody. I have arranged it for easy flute quintet. The melody is divided into all five parts so that each player plays a part of the melody and accompaniment.

“Là ci darem la mano” is een aria uit Mozarts Don Giovanni. “Daar zullen we elkaars hand vasthouden.” Een mooie melodie. Ik heb het gearrangeerd voor eenvoudig fluitkwintet. De melodie is verdeeld over de vijf partijen zodat elke speler een deel van de melodie en begeleiding speelt.


 231 Mozart – March of the Priests

This piece from Mozart’s Zauberflöte is beautiful and peaceful. It is perfect for practicing singing and playing. A real challenge for coordination. If you want more of a challenge, sing the high part and play the low part. If you want less of a challenge, sing and play the first part simultaneously.

Dit stuk uit de Zauberflöte van Mozart is mooi en vredig. Het is perfect voor het oefenen van zingen en spelen. Een echte uitdaging voor coördinatie. Als je meer uitdaging wilt, zing dan de eerste partij en speel de lage partij. Als je minder uitdaging wilt, zing en speel dan de eerste partij unisono.


 165 Mozart – German Dance No. 3 KV 605

The trio of this German dance is also called ‘The sleigh ride’. Imagine you are skating on the ice. Snow all around you. Since it is not really possible to imitate bells on the flute, I used wind sounds and flutter tongue to make the trio of this dance extra special.


 137 Das klinget so herrlich

That sounds so wonderful! And now even more with the wind sounds and flutter tongue added. Make sure the ‘cha’ is very precise in every part for the best effect. Let it sound wonderful.


 120 Allegro

This piece makes me smile because it is very vibrant. The key clicks and tone bending make it even more exciting. Make sure you get the intonation right of the bended notes.


 072 Mozart – Minuet of Mr. Duport

This minuet by mr. Duport was used by Mozart to make variations. Now we can use this theme to practise harmonics. Playing the melody the Flute Colors way will help you to improve your aural skills, support and sound. You can also play together with the piano. Have fun!