Flute Colors arrangements

Sheet music with extended techniques for flute

Here you can buy and download sheet music of arrangements with extended techniques for flute.

Variations on well know flute exercises, traditional songs, but also modern pop songs. From Drouet and Bach to Justin Bieber and Bruno Mars. Have fun with extended techniques for flute!

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Study guide






 265 Fun with ‘Substitution’

Substitution is a song by Purple Disco Machine. In this exercise we can work on precise finger movements, embouchure control, intonation and sound. Only three chords are used in this song: Cm – Ab – Bb. Feel free to improvise with these chords and vary the exercise.

Substitution is een nummer van Purple Disco Machine. In deze oefening kun je werken aan precieze vingerbewegingen, controle over het embouchure, intonatie en klank. In dit nummer worden slechts drie akkoorden gebruikt: Cm – Ab – Bb. Improviseer gerust met deze akkoorden en voel je vrij om de oefening te variëren.