Flute Colors arrangements

Sheet music with extended techniques for flute

Here you can buy and download sheet music of arrangements with extended techniques for flute.

Variations on well know flute exercises, traditional songs, but also modern pop songs. From Drouet and Bach to Justin Bieber and Bruno Mars. Have fun with extended techniques for flute!

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Very Easy

 288 Saint-Saëns – The Cuckoo In The Deep Woods

Tongue stops activate the abdomen and the tongue. Activating the abdomen can help you build better breath support, and activating the tongue helps improve articulation.

Tongue stops zorgen voor het activeren van de buik en de tong. Het activeren van de buik kan ervoor zorgen dat je makkelijker een goede ademsteun kunt opbouwen en het activeren van de tong helpt om de articulatie te verbeteren.


 087 Saint-Saëns – Aquarium

This beautiful melody is perfect for practicing tone bending. You can use this piece as an exercise or play the whole piece. All parts are ad lib. except for the first part. The greatest challenge is to get the intonation right!