Flute Colors arrangements

Sheet music with extended techniques for flute

Here you can buy and download sheet music of arrangements with extended techniques for flute.

Variations on well know flute exercises, traditional songs, but also modern pop songs. From Drouet and Bach to Justin Bieber and Bruno Mars. Have fun with extended techniques for flute!

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Study guide






 275 de Pijper – Harmonics Duet

I was improvising when the idea for this duet appeared. It’s fun to improvise with just two notes and then build a melody. Playing the correct harmonics becomes easier if you use vowels as described in the Flute Colors book.

Ik was aan het improviseren toen het idee voor dit duet ontstond. Het is leuk om met slechts twee noten te improviseren en dan een melodie op te bouwen. Het spelen van de juiste harmonics wordt gemakkelijker als je klinkers gebruikt zoals beschreven in het Flute Colors-boek.


 234 Popp – Study e minor

A study is designed to work on a specific part of flute playing. This particular study focuses on staccato playing and thus the movement of the tongue in combination with air and support. Practice legato first to keep the airflow going, then practice key clicks for precise finger movement, then practice pizzicato to strengthen finger and tongue coordination, and finally play staccato as written.

Een etude is ontworpen om te werken aan een specifiek onderdeel van het fluitspel. Deze specifieke studie richt zich op staccato spelen en dus de beweging van de tong in combinatie met lucht en ademsteun. Oefen eerst legato om de luchtstroom gaande te houden, oefen dan key clicks voor nauwkeurige vingerbewegingen, oefen dan pizzicato om de vinger- en tongcoördinatie te versterken, en speel ten slotte staccato zoals genoteerd.


 Ford – Together for flute solo

This piece is inspired by the poem ‘Together’ by Rupi Kaur. The poem is about the irony of us all feeling lonely at the same time. The piece tries to capture those feelings of isolation that we all feel, knowing
that each person who listens to this understands those feelings too. Sometimes knowing just knowing other people have those feelings too is enough.

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 La bellezza salverà il mondo (free!)

This piece is an original piece for flute. The composer used several extended techniques in this piece and allowed publishing this piece as a gift to Flute Colors.