Flute Colors arrangements

Sheet music with extended techniques for flute

Here you can buy and download sheet music of arrangements with extended techniques for flute.

Variations on well know flute exercises, traditional songs, but also modern pop songs. From Drouet and Bach to Justin Bieber and Bruno Mars. Have fun with extended techniques for flute!

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 328 Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

Multiphonics based on harmonics are extra special. They sound beautiful without tension in the intervals. When you play very softly and relaxed they work best. Use vowels to achieve the goal of playing the notes together, don’t be tempted to blow more for the higher note.

Multiphonics gebaseerd op harmonics zijn extra speciaal. Ze klinken prachtig zonder spanning in de intervallen. Als je heel zacht en ontspannen speelt, werken ze het beste. Gebruik vocalen om het doel te bereiken om de noten samen te spelen, wees niet geneigd om meer te blazen voor de hogere noot.


 286 London Bridge Is Falling Down

It’s nice to use simple melodies to practice harmonics. Harmonics are good for strengthening breath support and increasing air speed. It will definitely improve your sound.

Het is fijn om eenvoudige melodieën te gebruiken om harmonics te oefenen. Harmonics zijn goed voor het versterken van de ademsteun en het verhogen van de luchtsnelheid. Het zal je klank zeker ten goede komen.


 274 Row, Row, Row Your Boat

Be careful, because this tune can very easily become an earworm. It’s a very short tune, but long enough to practice tone bending. It’s a lot of fun to play this tune as a round with other flute players.

Wees voorzichtig, want dit deuntje kan heel gemakkelijk een oorwurm worden. Het is een heel kort liedje, maar lang genoeg om tone bending te oefenen. Het is erg leuk om deze melodie in canon met andere fluitisten te spelen.


 182 Brian Boru’s March

This famous traditional can be found in different versions. And now we also have a Flute Colors
version. Practicing trills is useful for improving finger movement. In this arrangement I have added color trills. If you want, you can add even more trills!

Deze beroemde traditional is te vinden in verschillende versies. En nu is er ook een Flute Colors-versie. Het oefenen van trillers is goed om de vingerbeweging te verbeteren. In dit arrangement zijn kleurtrillers toegevoegd. Als je wilt, kun je nog meer trillers toevoegen!


 134 Kojo No Tsuki

This arrangement has three variations on the famous Japanese song. Three different levels of singing and playing. Singing and playing can help you improve your sound. The second and third variation are real brain trainers.


 126 Jolly Good Fellow

You can use this arrangement if you really want to surprise a birthday boy or girl. The tone bending is also good for flexibility and improving your aural skills. The wind sounds will help you increase your support.


 110 Morning is come

For me singing and playing feels magical. Singing and playing two different things at the same time is so much fun. Start with the first variation (first level). Get more challenged with the second variation (medium level) and third variation (difficult). Never a dull moment with this piece!


 105 Au Claire de la Lune

Quartertones are fascinating. The fingerings often produce a different kind of sound. The intonation should be precise. Sometimes you have to help the note a little bit by bending the note down. Start with the exercise to get used tot he fingerings and to get the intonation right.


 099 Wiegenlied

Practise your skills with friends. Tone bending in the first part is a very good ear training. The wind sounds in the second and third part are useful for a flexible embouchure and a flexible embouchure is very useful for… everything! The tongue stops in the fourth part activate the abdomen and improve the coordinaton between abdomen and the movement of the tongue. Have fun with this piece and play softly so the baby can sleep 😉


 096 Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you the Flute Colors way! This is the second Flute Colors arrangement of this popular song. Now you can play it with three other flute players. You can combine this arrangement with arrangement number 026.