Flute Colors arrangements

Sheet music with extended techniques for flute

Here you can buy and download sheet music of arrangements with extended techniques for flute.

Variations on well know flute exercises, traditional songs, but also modern pop songs. From Drouet and Bach to Justin Bieber and Bruno Mars. Have fun with extended techniques for flute!

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 333 Praetorius – Bransle Double

If you like a challenge, singing & playing is the technique for you. In this exercise we have to play the melody of the piece and sing the bass part. It is best to start by learning the vocal part by heart, so you don’t have to think about it as much while playing.

Als je van een uitdaging houdt, is zingen & spelen de techniek voor jou. In deze oefening moeten we de melodie van het stuk spelen en de baspartij zingen. Het is het beste om te beginnen met het leren van de zangpartij uit je hoofd, zodat je er niet zoveel over na hoeft te denken tijdens het spelen.


 244 The Sussex Carol

A relaxed and focused embouchure, a must for any flutist who wants to play freely. While this technique is not always easy, working on this technique can yield great results.

Een ontspannen en gefocuste embouchure, een must voor elke fluitist die vrij wil spelen. Hoewel deze techniek niet altijd gemakkelijk is, kan het werken aan deze techniek geweldige resultaten opleveren.


 231 Mozart – March of the Priests

This piece from Mozart’s Zauberflöte is beautiful and peaceful. It is perfect for practicing singing and playing. A real challenge for coordination. If you want more of a challenge, sing the high part and play the low part. If you want less of a challenge, sing and play the first part simultaneously.

Dit stuk uit de Zauberflöte van Mozart is mooi en vredig. Het is perfect voor het oefenen van zingen en spelen. Een echte uitdaging voor coördinatie. Als je meer uitdaging wilt, zing dan de eerste partij en speel de lage partij. Als je minder uitdaging wilt, zing en speel dan de eerste partij unisono.


 218 An Italian Ground

A ‘ground’ is a bass line of a certain number of bars (often 8) that is repeated all the time while playing a melody with variations. This arrangement is a contemporary approach to this concept while extended techniques were added to the variations.

Een ‘ground’ is een baslijn van een bepaald aantal maten (vaak 8) die de hele tijd wordt herhaald terwijl een melodie met variaties wordt gespeeld. Dit arrangement is een eigentijdse benadering van dit concept, door de moderne speeltechnieken die aan de variaties zijn toegevoegd.


 167 Holst – In The Bleak Midwinter

Playing a steady whistle can be challenging. With this piece we take the challenge to another level. You can play the first part solo. Or the first and fourth part as a duet. If you have one or two other flute friends, play it as a trio or quartet. Enjoy the soft whispering sounds and above all: relax!


 139 Veloce – Fürstenau

A challenge for those who are learning circular breathing. If you can not do it yet please watch the videos on the flute colors website and don’t give up. You can start with the added exercise to get familiar with circular breathing in all registers. And then veloce!


 132 Gymnopédie No. 1

This beautiful piece by Erik Satie inspired me to write this arrangement. The piece is pieceful and quiet so I decided to use whistle tones. The wind sounds should be played very softly.


 115 Adagio

Every bow needs a bit of decrescendo. The best way to practise this is by playing wind sounds. By moving your lower lip forward you gradually go from regular sound to wind sound. An excellent workout for practising decrescendo.


 078 Corelli – Sarabande

Training the brain with singing and playing. This time we have to sing the melody and accompany with the flute. A challenging exercise with a lot of skills to improve.


 074 Circular breathing – trill exercise

Learning circular breathing can be challenging. But don’t give up! If you can (almost) do it use this exercise to become better. Each octave has it own challenges. This study will help you practise circular breathing in different octaves. If you can’t use circular breathing (yet) watch the videos on the Flute Colors website. Have fun!