Flute Colors arrangements

Sheet music with extended techniques for flute

Here you can buy and download sheet music of arrangements with extended techniques for flute.

Variations on well know flute exercises, traditional songs, but also modern pop songs. From Drouet and Bach to Justin Bieber and Bruno Mars. Have fun with extended techniques for flute!

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 191 Fun with ‘Hero’

Multiphonics can be magical and in this arrangement I challenge you to do just go for it. The key clicks combined with the actual flute sound of the flute are a good way to practice coordination between the tongue and fingers and the harmonics are very useful for support and embouchure.

Multiphonics kunnen magisch zijn en in dit arrangement daag ik je uit om er gewoon voor te gaan. De key clicks in combinatie met het daadwerkelijke fluitgeluid van de fluit zijn een goede manier om de coördinatie tussen tong en vingers te oefenen en de harmonics zijn goed voor het trainen van je ademsteun en embouchure.


 180 Ievan Polkka

The catchy tune from Finland is perfect for adding multiphonics. It makes the song even funnier. Don’t pay too much attention to getting the multiphonic “right”. Get the right fingering and go for it!


 164 Fun with ‘Mistletoe’

Practicing long notes is a good way to warm up. Adding flutter tongue to the note improves your support. This song is also perfect for practicing this multiphonic. What a wonderful feeling when you let those two notes sound at the same time.


 143 Vivaldi – Adagio from Concerto RV 235

Vivaldi wrote a lot of beautiful music. A while ago I came across this piece and decided to arrange it one day. I tried to capture the soft and fragile accompaniment with wind sounds. The solo flute has many possibilities to flourish.


 La bellezza salverà il mondo (free!)

This piece is an original piece for flute. The composer used several extended techniques in this piece and allowed publishing this piece as a gift to Flute Colors.


 119 The Foggy Foggy Dew

Playing this traditional with key clicks and multiphonics give it an extra dimension. If you are not familiar with playing multiphonics this is a great piece to start with.


 104 Minuet from Toy Symphony – Haydn

In this arrangement of the minuet from the toy symphony the toys are replaced by extended techniques. It can be played as a trio, quartet or even with a flute choir. Make sure we can hear the extended techniques!