Suite Bransle
Just a little bit of fun in these strange, uncertain times. Join in and play along! Download the sheet music for free below the video. Just click the button; no e-mail address is asked.
We need to stay at home
Weird times! Is this really happening? We’re asked to stay at home by our governments to help reducing work load on hospitals and health professionals. Video clips of teachers using tools to teach remotely are all over the social media channels. On the bright side: even though we miss the physical presence, video teaching seems to be a pretty good solution with not so bad results. Being forced to do something out of the ordinary actually results in a new experience and new knowledge that can be useful for future projects.
So, what are you going to do with your extra free time? Ready to do something outside of the ordinary? Something you would normally not do, but something that will result in new knowledge and is going to be beneficial to your regular flute playing!
Some fun with Suite Bransle
Start ‘playing’ with extended techniques! On this page you can start playing with Suite Bransle, arranged for four flutes. No worries if you can’t play with friends, because you can choose one part and play along with the YouTube video. The sheet music can be downloaded for free.
On this website you’ll find lots of arrangements of well know pieces, enriched with extended techniques. Not only are these techniques fun to play, but they help developing a better embouchure, improve intonation and co-ordination and over all let you gain more control over your instrument.
Start playing with extended techniques:
Download Flute Colors Magazine
Looking for more fun arrangements?
Download the pilot of Flute Colors magazine for free! You’ll find four arrangements inside.
The magazine contains pieces for beginners, advanced players, students and teachers. Have fun with extended techniques!

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